Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Do NOT worry or be scared of this assignment.
 *Although this may seem like a lot of work, you will be given the opportunity to complete the majority of this assignment during class, so there will be minimal homework.
Major Assignment - 20% of your unit's mark
The Story of Immigrant X

Tired of living in Great Britain, you decide to relocate your family. Attracted by a romanticized poster you leave for Upper Canada. As you travel and establish a new life you keep a diary, documenting your trials and tribulations.

YOU ARE Immigrant X . You must create a biography that identifies your name, age, social class, occupation etc. YOU can complete this in a number of forms: diary entry, video entry (i.e. diary, skit), artwork (i.e. painting, comic book, poster), and music (i.e. song, symphony, opera, rap).

The story MUST have the 5 following entries:
1.      Prior to leaving Great Britain
2.      Aboard the ship
3.      Arriving in Upper Canada
4.      Clearing the land
5.      Two years after arriving

Be sure to include and/or incorporate the following:
ü      Approximately 50-100 words/entry
ü      If you choose to do a non-writing form of entry.  You will still need to hand in a written component.  Please see me for more details.
ü      Appropriate dates, key terms, vocabulary
ü      Appeal to the senses – use adjectives and descriptive words. What are you thinking, feeling, seeing, smelling, hearing, doing?
ü      The idea is to show me that you understand what life was like in Upper Canada for Immigrant X ; your story entries need to show that understanding.

Your story must have a cover page that includes at least 2 images. You will be marked primarily on the narrative aspect of the assignment; this is to ensure a fair evaluation for students who choose to do a non-writing form.

Important Due Dates:

1.      Written Proposal                                                      Due: Thursday, Feb 3rd
-Tells me what form you are going to use
-Gives a rough outline/plan of what you intend to do
2.      Informal Bibliography                                            Due: Monday, Feb 7th
-At least 2-3 sources used; only one online source
-Include title, author, date published, url address
3.      Research Notes                                                         Due: Thursday, Feb 10th
-You must hand in your research notes (1-2 pages) and/or images for all categories 
Assessment Criteria

Cover page                                                                           /5
-Includes appropriate title and image
-Includes full student name
-Teacher’s name & class
(See me if non-writing form)

Character Bio                                                                       /5
-Includes appropriate and accurate
-Includes Name, Age, Social Class,
Occupation & any other relevant items

Each Entry (worth 6 marks each)                                       /30
-Includes appropriate and accurate
information on the five categories
-Creative and shows understanding
-50-100 words/category entry
(See me if non-writing form)

Overall Presentation                                                          /10                  
-Includes spelling, grammar,
punctuation, organization

TOTAL                                                                                  /50 

*Please read over the assignment instructions carefully to ensure you have covered everything
*There is always the potential for bonus marks on my assignments J

Design Down Sheet – Immigrant Story X
Expected Outcomes
It is expected that students will demonstrate the ability:

ü      To critically examine primary and secondary sources
ü      To use a variety of library sources
ü      To extract relevant information from a large body of facts
ü      To detect bias in various sources
ü      To analyze and synthesize information
ü      To defend a point of view
ü      To speak clearly and concisely
ü      To use a variety of sources in order to recreate the Immigrant Experience
ü      Demonstrate skills associated with active citizenship, including the ability to work cooperatively with others and to respect and promote respect for the contributions of other group members

Unit Structure & Important Due Dates

Jan 31 (M) 
Feb 1 (Tu)
Explain Final Assignment
Feb 2 (W)
Explain Assignment #1
Feb 3 (Th)
Written Proposals DUE
Feb 4 (F)
Feb 7 (M)
Review/Work Period
Informal Bibliography DUE
Feb 8 (Tu)
Assignment # 1 DUE 
Feb 9 (W)
Explain Assignment # 2
Feb 10 (Th)
Review/Work Period
Research Notes DUE
Feb 11 (F)
Review Period
Feb 14 (M)
Work Period
Assignment # 2
Feb 15 (Tu)

Major Assignment is due the day after the unit exam: Wednesday, Feb. 16th.

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