Thursday, March 3, 2011

Political Parties in the Union of Canada Notes

Parti Rouges
  • Radical party who wanted a separate French-Canadian country
  • Anti-Catholic Church, hated the Union, Church and State remain separate
  • Led by Papineau

Tories (Conservatives)
  • In Canada West
  • Lost power due to the Corn Laws
  • Led by John A. Macdonald
  • Fate relied on economic development
  • Formed an alliance with Parti Bleus “Liberal-Conservative” party in 1854 to gain most of the power in the Canadas
    • Reforms: settled clergy reserves, seigneurial system abolished, signed the Reciprocity Treaty

Parti Bleus
  • Reformers from Canada East
  • Middle Class
  • Maintain French-Canadian rights, separate Catholic school
  • Led by George-Etienne Cartier
  • Wanted bicultural party of French and English
  • Formed an alliance with J.A.M. and the Tories “Liberal-Conservative” party in 1854 to gain most of the power in the Canadas

Clear Grits
  • Radical republican principles
  • Led by George Brown – editor of Toronto Globe
  • Supported separation of Church and State
  • Opposed the Tories during the 1850s
  • “Rep by Pop” & westward expansion (Rupert’s Land)

1858 Alexander Galt – proposed the union of all the colonies of British North American called “Confederation” (federal gov’t and provincial gov’t with different powers)

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