Monday, March 7, 2011

Concept Map B Colonies Key Terms

Colonies & Leader
Concerns & Reactions
Canada West – George Brown & J.A.M.

*Great Coalition?
Full support of union because
o       United, powerful nation
o       Remove trade barriers
o       More settlement
o       Markets
o       Defense - against whom?
One of the four founding provinces
Railway system would help – no longer had to go through the U.S. (ice free port -St. Lawrence River froze)
Canada East – George Etienne Cartier

*Great Coalition?
Concerns over preserving the French tradition and culture – would uniting lose it all?
J.A.M. promised that French and English would be equal
Roman Catholic Church supported it too – why is this important?
Railway would help with trade (ice-free port) and defense
One of the four founding provinces
Nova Scotia – Charles Tupper
Fearful of American invasion – heightened by the Fenian raids
Closer to Britain and U.S.
Concerned over:
o       Britain shows less interest – trade and defense?
o       Reciprocity Treaty cancelled
One of the four founding provinces
Prince Edward Island
Wanted Charlottetown to be Canada’s capital
Concerned with the idea of “rep by pop” because had small population
Concerned that Britain showing less interest and of future invasion
Wanted their land issues to be addressed – absentee landlords
An island, so railway not an issue; content to remain independent and self-sufficient
Joined Canada in 1873
Rejected the Quebec Conference & Resolutions
Concerned that uniting would increase taxes on their boats, fish, and tackle
Traded mostly with Britain; concerned after Britain’s views began changing – who to trade with? Who will defend?
An island, so railway seemed irrelevant
Did not join until 1949
New Brunswick  - Leonard Tilley
Concerned with the idea of “rep by pop” because had small population
Supported federal subsidy ($ given to provinces)
Convinced to join because:
o       Reciprocity Treaty ended (economy in trouble)
o       Britain’s changing views (used to rely heavily on Britain for trade)
o       Fenian Raids (heightened what fear?)
Need for Intercolonial railway for trade and defense
One of the four founding provinces

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