Monday, March 7, 2011

Confederation & Beyond Key Terms

Key Term
Definition & Significance
Charlottetown Conference
Original purpose was to discuss Maritime Union
Crashed by the other colonies
Agreed to meet at a 2nd conference to discuss Confederation
Maritime Union
What colonies? (4)
Quebec Conference
Purpose was to draw up the rules for Confederation
72 Resolutions
Proposed set of rules for Confederation
Also known as the Quebec Resolutions
London Conference
Officially drafted Confederation
Approved by the British government/Queen
Drafted the Constitution, also known as the BNA Act
July 1, 1867
The birthday of Canada
What four founding provinces joined Confederation on this day?
British North America Act
Set the rules for Confederation
Created the federal dominion (central gov't)
Federal vs. Provincial Power
Federal government (central/Canadian) & Provincial government given different powers
Shared the power of taxes (federal vs. provincial)
Federal: military, postal service, currency
Provincial: schools, licenses, businesses, local affairs

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