**Please refer to PINK Review Booklet for questions
Immigrant Experience
1) Scottish: replaced by sheep – farmers wanted to produce more wool
Irish: Potato Famine – potatoes died because of disease 1845-9
English: Industrial Revolution – replaced by machines; British government kicked out the poor people
American Black Slaves: Slavery
PULL FACTORS: English advertisements (cheap land, better opportunities) – Romanticize (to make something look good)
Irish: Potato Famine – potatoes died because of disease 1845-9
English: Industrial Revolution – replaced by machines; British government kicked out the poor people
American Black Slaves: Slavery
PULL FACTORS: English advertisements (cheap land, better opportunities) – Romanticize (to make something look good)
2) Coffin Ships
-Bunks (strangers, whole families)
-Overcrowded – filthy, dirty
-Steerage – below deck, where cargo is stored
-Dead bodies overboard
-Bunks (strangers, whole families)
-Overcrowded – filthy, dirty
-Steerage – below deck, where cargo is stored
-Dead bodies overboard
3) Impact of Social Class
-Upper Canada – difficult to find cheap, good servants
-“Leveling”*** > younger immigrants coming had to do the hard labor because there weren’t any servants; unlike in England, they now rely on everyone (both lower and higher social class) to do work
-“Stifling” > rich are getting richer, poor are getting poorer
-Upper Canada – difficult to find cheap, good servants
-“Leveling”*** > younger immigrants coming had to do the hard labor because there weren’t any servants; unlike in England, they now rely on everyone (both lower and higher social class) to do work
-“Stifling” > rich are getting richer, poor are getting poorer
4) Life of an Immigrant recently arrived in Canada
-Quarantined – checked for diseases
-Checked-in, customs
-Scam artists, thieves
-Main destination is land – travel by foot, wagon, train
-Land problems*** (scarce, land speculators, crown/clergy reserves – lands set aside)
-Clearing the land
-Key terms: debt, mortgage
5) Causes/Impacts of the Underground Railroad
-Slavery – escape for freedom
-Abolitionist (abolish slavery/against slavery) – Provided safe – houses
-Increased population of immigrants > racism/discrimination > “community within a community”
6) Complaints immigrants had upon their first years in the Canadas
-False advertisements about good, cheap land
-Land was scarce, too expensive (key terms: speculators, reserves)
-Reserves – blocked road development, tied up land
7) Impact of immigration on Aboriginal communities
-Population growth – forced them to move further in land
-Conflicted with resources, land and opportunity
-Quarantined – checked for diseases
-Checked-in, customs
-Scam artists, thieves
-Main destination is land – travel by foot, wagon, train
-Land problems*** (scarce, land speculators, crown/clergy reserves – lands set aside)
-Clearing the land
-Key terms: debt, mortgage
5) Causes/Impacts of the Underground Railroad
-Slavery – escape for freedom
-Abolitionist (abolish slavery/against slavery) – Provided safe – houses
-Increased population of immigrants > racism/discrimination > “community within a community”
6) Complaints immigrants had upon their first years in the Canadas
-False advertisements about good, cheap land
-Land was scarce, too expensive (key terms: speculators, reserves)
-Reserves – blocked road development, tied up land
7) Impact of immigration on Aboriginal communities
-Population growth – forced them to move further in land
-Conflicted with resources, land and opportunity
Rebellion Section
1) Explain causes of UPPER CANADA/UC rebellion
-Oligarchy – veto power, Family Compact
-Land problems – Speculators, reserves
-Transportation Issues
-Land problems – Speculators, reserves
-Transportation Issues
2) Causes of LOWER CANADA rebellion
-Oligarchy – veto power, Chateau Clique
-Threatened French inhabitants (language, Roman Catholic, agricultural system)
-English-speaking population growth > French discrimination
-Eastern Townships (not as important)
-Oligarchy – veto power, Chateau Clique
-Threatened French inhabitants (language, Roman Catholic, agricultural system)
-English-speaking population growth > French discrimination
-Eastern Townships (not as important)
3) UC: William Lyon Mackenzie
LC: Louis-Joseph Papineau
LC: Louis-Joseph Papineau
4) Representative government: representatives elected on behalf of the people to make laws
Responsible government**: representatives (elected) can be voted out if they fail to please the majority
Responsible government**: representatives (elected) can be voted out if they fail to please the majority
Colonial government: OLIGARCHY
5) Impact of Lord Durham’s Report
-Act ofUnion 1840 – Upper and Lower Canada united ** What is problematic about that? French vs. English
-ASSIMILATE – absorb the French up – French are unhappy – they lose their traditions (language, religion, land system)
-Act of
-ASSIMILATE – absorb the French up – French are unhappy – they lose their traditions (language, religion, land system)
6) Tory > Conserve/Conservatives >>>>> Oppose change >>>> Support British government/members of the Family Compact
Moderate Reformer > change through LEGAL means
Radical Reformer > fast, sudden change, VIOLENT means
Moderate Reformer > change through LEGAL means
Radical Reformer > fast, sudden change, VIOLENT means